Our Health Coaching Community
You can find out about forthcoming events on the health coaching community page, which Peak Health Coaching will keep updated.
The NHS needs you
"To engage, encourage and challenge people to act with a coaching mindset, to provide person and community centred support, that creates the right environment for everyone to thrive, not just survive." In short, we want to create a coaching culture in the NHS.
We recognise that we can't do this alone, so please join in, with whatever feels the right contribution for you. Also, if you notice something that is missing, and you'd like our support - please let us know.
Building a Health Coaching Community
ALS groups
One of the reasons we link participants up with an Action Learning Set (ALS) when they join our PCI accredited Foundation Certificate (2-day) and Intermediate Certificate (4-day) Health Coaching programmes, is that we want them to be supported in their role. These peer groups are a great opportunity to learn and develop and share ideas of what is working in your area. The feedback from these groups, many of which are meeting well after their programme has finished, is that they are a great source of mutual support and learning.
Educational Support Sessions
- Professional Practice, tutor-facilitated sessions for participants on our Practitioner II Certificate.
You will have regular opportunities to participate in Professional Practice Sessions and develop reflective techniques to support your evolving health and wellbeing coaching practice. These tutor-facilitated sessions are offered 1-2 times monthly, aiming to support you in completing the practical and written requirements for assessment and certification. Your course fee includes up to 12 of these bookable professional practice sessions so you can choose to move at a pace to suit you. These sessions will be an important space for you to develop your thinking and understanding in relation to your health coaching professional development and the assessment requirements for Practitioner II.
Events and Programmes coming up:
Our National Conference Personalised Care 2025 in central Sheffield
"Enabling and Wellbeing" June 4th 2025 (9.00am - 4.30pm).
Tickets are available now - click on the link above to reserve your place.
Working with Groups (2x 1/2-Days)
Session 1: May 8th (13.00 - 16.30)
Session 2: May 22nd (13.00 - 16.30)
The General Practice Podcast
On this week's General Practice Podcast, Ben Gowland is joined by Dr Ollie Hart. Ollie has been a GP for over 20 years and is a clinical director of Heeley Plus PCN. Alongside this, Ollie is one of Peak Health Coaching Directors. During the podcast Ben and Ollie discuss how health coaching could help practices and PCNs improve health outcomes. In addition, Ollie talks about his interest in pain management and speaks more about how he got into the health coaching world. Ollie shares information about the upcoming national conference he is holding on May 16th, what attendees can expect and how you can purchase tickets to the conference.

If you have any questions about the content on our health coaching community page, the experienced team at Peak Health Coaching is always on hand to help, just get in touch.
0114 291 9137