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Training from Colleagues on the Front-Line.

Peak Health Coaching provides high quality education and training, with on-line and in-person courses.  Our educators are drawn from both medical and coaching backgrounds to ensure participants receive an authentic learning experience, that translates to the real world.

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The Peak Health Coaching Ltd team

We are passionate about providing high quality education, training and consultancy in Person-Centred Care including: Health Coaching, Shared Decision Making, Supported Self-Management, Patient Activation, Collaborative Care Planning and importantly Person-Centred System Development.


We are currently working with individuals, organisations and larger health and social care systems in Sheffield, the North of England and Nationally, to develop excellence in person-centred care. Enhancing the skills, knowledge and confidence of practitioners enables them to develop self-management skills in those they work with and apply a tailored approach to health and social care delivery.


Using our coaching approach, we can offer you a range of programmes of education and training aimed at supporting you and other health and social care professionals in developing and realising your potential. In addition, we are skilled at co-designing bespoke programmes and offer professional consultancy services to support your organisation, whatever your starting point. For more information, please contact us today.

Our Values


Positive Impact. This means we focus our energy and resources on the most impactful ways of achieving our mission.  We not only want to provide the highest quality training and learning experience, we want to know that it has impact 'on the ground' for the benefit of colleagues and the population they support.


Lasting Legacy. Our work should stimulate lasting effects that are independent of any of us, as individuals or even us, as an organisation.  We will endeavour to embed a sustainable new way of working, that resonates with others and that they can build on.

Meet our team

Dr Tim Williams

Dr Tim Williams

Whether working as a GP, Appraiser, Life Coach or Educator, Tim enjoys connecting people with what matters most to them, so they can consider doing more of what they love.



Alison Williams

Alison Williams

Alison is passionate about seeing and encouraging sustainability within the NHS to allow a fantastic service and the people working in it, to thrive.




Dr Ian Seymour

Dr Ian Seymour
(Associate Educator)

As a GP, Honorary Senior Clinical Lecturer at the University of Sheffield and coach, Ian is skilled at group facilitation and enabling people to reflect on their experiences and develop into rounded, patient-centred practitioners.​


Dr Emily Muirhead

Dr Emily Muirhead (Associate Educator)

As well as working with Peak Health Coaching to train health and social care colleagues, Emily Muirhead is a GP, educator, appraiser, and an executive ILM qualified coach. She is based in West Yorkshire and is passionate about communication and using these skills to facilitate a better work: life balance to avoid stress and burnout.

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Narinder Sheena
(Lived Experience Educator)

A former personal injury lawyer for 15 years plus turned professional coach, EMCC and NLP Practitioner. Narinder is passionate about supporting chronic pain individuals through coaching to live a pain free life, and transform from the inside out.





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Jane Roweth
(Associate Educator)

Jane is an NHS health coach with a passion for empowering people to take control of their future health, make their own decisions and inspire others via group work, building networks of peer support within a community framework.






Emily Hatch
(Associate Educator)

"Emily is an experienced health and wellbeing coach working with NHS patients. Lived experience drives her passion to empower patients, creating a space for them to discover and navigate their wellbeing journey. Emily is proud to be associated with Peak Health, creating and growing the coaching mindset."

Dr Ollie Hart

Dr Ollie Hart

Ollie is happiest with one foot in front line clinical care, and the other in leading and innovating change. Using experience from each to inform and inspire the other, keeps him excited about creating conditions for people to flourish.

Jennifer Lewis

Jennifer Lewis
(Operations Manager)

After successfully running several small businesses, Jennifer has found a passion for business development, administrative solutions and marketing.



Dr Iolanthe Fowler

Dr Iolanthe Fowler (Associate Educator)

Alongside her training for Peak Health Coaching, Iolanthe currently works as a GP and Clinical Director for Integrated Community Care for an NHS Hospital Trust. She is passionate about providing care based on what matters to the person receiving it.​​

 Dr Andy Davies

Dr Andy Davies
(Associate Educator)

Andy is an Emergency Medicine Consultant, medical educator, training programme director and Coach in West Yorkshire. As well as loving work with Peak Health Coaching, Andy delivers Human Factors & communication training across multi-disciplinary teams, with a focus on empowerment.


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Dr Devina Maru
(Associate Educator)

Devina is a GP based in Central London and an ambassador for the Personalised Care Institute. Her work in General Practice has earned her multiple national accolades, including the prestigious NHS Rising Star Parliamentary Award in 2023. This recognition highlights her outstanding contributions to service improvement and patient care.​​​



Emma Turner
(Associate Educator)

With  experience as a PCN Health and Wellbeing Coach in East Sussex Emma facilitates peer support sessions for people with long term conditions such as Fibromyalgia and CFS, Type 2 Diabetes and Hypertension. Emma also supports patients on a 1:1 basis to make lifestyle changes around nutrition, movement, stress management, and sleep

Dr Caroline Hart

Dr Caroline Hart

Passionate about developing socially just health and social care systems, Caroline is the lead education advisor for programme development at Peak Health Coaching.



Holly Crosby

Holly Crosby
(Associate Educator)

As a non-clinical associate, Holly's experience as a coach has been applied in diverse settings from corporations to health and social care. Holly is passionate about people living happier and healthier lives in a way that suits them.

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Dr Nicki Doddridge-McCoye (Associate Educator)

Nicki qualified as a Consultant in Acute Medicine in 2008 and was appointed as Associate Dean with Health Education England, Yorkshire and the Humber in 2018. Nicki is delighted to be an Associate Educator with Peak Health Coaching and enable healthcare professionals to use coaching.

Miranda Galloway

Miranda Galloway
(Associate Educator)

Miranda is a qualified coach and trainer with extensive experience across private, public, and voluntary sectors. As an Associate Trainer she is excited about the potential for positive change that a coaching approach can bring to patients and clients.



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Prof Deepak Ravindran
(Associate Educator)

Deepak has worked as full time NHS consultant in Pain Medicine for more than 14 years and is Deputy Editor for the EPain Program with NHS and Health Education England. He is super excited to be an Associate Educator with Peak Health Coaching and enable healthcare professionals to understand and use coaching in their clinical practice.


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Lee Vaughan
(Lived Experience Educator)

Having lived with Persistent Pain for over 32 years, Lee now aspires to champion his understanding of pain, educate Health Care Professionals and people living with persistent pain.  His aim is to ultimately help to build a bridge between HCP's and Patients to prevent people unnecessarily falling into the river and being swept downstream. 

  • What does a health coach do?
    Health coaches support people to pursue what matters most to them. Good health often provides the bedrock for a good life, and we most often achieve good health when we are in control and managing our lives well. A health coach works as a partner alongside people, supporting, encouraging, and challenging them to look after themselves well. They use expert tools and techniques to help people think about and do the things they care about most.
  • What qualifications do I need to become a health coach in the NHS?
    NHS England have published a framework for health coaching in the NHS. They outline a baseline 4 days of NHS approved training. This training must be a course accredited by the Personalised Care Institute. Coaches then go on to progress through 4 levels of achievement, via supervised experience and assessment. Peak Health Coaching offers a PCI accredited 4 day course, supervision, and assessment at all 4 levels.
  • What are the 4 levels of Health Coaches in the NHS?
    NHS England has defined 4 levels of health coaching in the NHS. These correspond to 50, 200, 500 and 1000 + hours of coaching experience, on top of Personalised Care Institute approved training.
  • How do I become a health coach in the UK NHS?
    Health Coaches are mostly employed via Primary Care Networks, although other providers are starting to employ health coaches. You must have had 4 days baseline training by an approved provider and be working with ongoing supervision. NHS jobs can be a good place to look for job adverts.
  • What is Health Coaching in the NHS?
    Health Coaching is the application of skills and approaches that support the role patients take in looking after themselves. It is a whole system approach, and everyone has a part to play, from the front door to the most specialised role. It is especially important for people living with long term conditions, who need to play a key role in keeping themselves well. We offer 2 day NHS accredited training for all NHS staff, offering a great introduction to the practice of health coaching, and 4 day NHS accredited training for dedicated health coaches.
  • What is Tailored Health Coaching?
    Tailored health coaching is a concept introduced by Peak health Coaching Ltd in 2016. It involves matching the right support to the person’s capabilities and context. It enables everyone to save time, by offering the right things at the right time. It avoids waste by avoiding things people are either not yet ready for or have already mastered.
  • How much do health coaches charge in the UK?
    You should be able to access a health coach for free on the NHS. There are currently 1300 coaches working across the UK, with numbers increasing all the time. Ask your GP or practice team how you can access support from a health coach.
  • How much do health and wellbeing coaches make in the NHS?
    Health and Wellbeing Coaches are employed at band 5 on the NHS agenda for change scale. However, with more experience and a supervisor role this may increase.
Brainstorming session

To find out more about the education, training, and system development our healthcare consultants provide, please contact Peak Health Coaching Ltd in Sheffield for more information, or to schedule a no obligation consultation.

0114 291 9137

Autumn equinox sunrise with a hawthorn tree above valley fog. English Peak District

Thanks for getting touch. We will get back to you as soon as we can.

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PEAK HEALTH COACHING LIMITED, registered as a limited company in England and Wales under company number: 10577855.

Registered Company Address:  Parkhead Road, Sheffield, South Yorkshire, United Kingdom, S11 9RA

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